Those forgotten on the banks of the Euphrates
The only thing I can do while following the news of Raqqa in Syria and Al Mosul in Iraq .. Is drawing and listening to music that make tears flooding with the water of Euphrates ...
This song is by the beautiful Dima Orsho
This song is by the beautiful Dima Orsho
أولئك المنسيون على ضفاف نهر الفرات
الشي الوحيد اللي بقدر أعملو و أنا عم تابع أخبار الرقة بسوريا و الموصل بالعراق.. إني أرسم وأسمع موسيقا بتخلي الدموع تفيض مع مياه نهر الفرات .. بصوت الجميله ديمة أورشو
I Wish I Could !! باتمنى لو
To Aleppo... حلب
Inspired by stories from the collective memory post 1982 Massacre
إلهام من قصص جمعت من الذاكرة الجمعية بعد مجزرة حماة بقلم زاهر عمرين
Original Sold
The compassionate Idlib
It is the city that welcomed with love and respect many Syrians from different parts of #Syria
It is now under shelling and its people and their guests are being evicted due to intensive bombarding
It is the city that welcomed with love and respect many Syrians from different parts of #Syria
It is now under shelling and its people and their guests are being evicted due to intensive bombarding
إدلب الحنونة اللي استقبلت سوريين من كل المناطق.. بيتعرض سكانها وضيوفهم للتهجير بسبب القصف